1/24/2017 Romance Writers Weekly-Would You Rather...? Jan 24, 2017 #wouldyourather #lovechatwrite #unicornsarereal!Read Now Would you rather...?Welcome, visitors hopping from Leslie Hachtel's blog. This week our questions comes from Jenna Da Sie: "Would you rather?" questions. I wonder if her kids have the same game/books mine do because this game can make for a long (and I mean interminable) road trip! Especially if your answer is followed up with "Why?" 1) Would you rather go way back in time and meet your ancestors Pre 1800’s or go way into the future and meet your great grandchildren Post 2200? Definitely go back in time. I really don't want to know anything about the future. It could mess up the space/time continuum. 2) Would you rather have no internet or no cell phone? I could go without a cell phone. The internet? Research and my wild curiosity would suffer greatly! 3) Would you rather talk like Yoda or breathe like Darth Vador? Talk like Yoda! (A secret? My kids and I do that sometimes anyway.) 4) Would you rather have the ability to fly or read minds? Oh, for sure to read minds. Imagine how much drama you could avoid if you knew what was on someone's mind. Wouldn't have to wonder if the kids were telling the whole truth. (Thankfully my kids are terrible liars, but everyone has the capacity to lie by omission!) 5) Would you rather have mermaids be real or unicorns be real? My oldest and I think that unicorns are real. The horn is an recessive gene that when expressed causes a horny protrusion. Or, man hunted the unicorn to extinction. Plenty of cryptids have been proven to actually exist. So, how about you? Would you rather live on a tropical island or NY penthouse suite? Leave me a comment and tell me why if you wish. No pressure!
Time to mosey on to the next author, the amazing A. S. Fenichel. |
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Shifters & Spice (e-book 99 cents!) AuthorRomance writer. Paranormal and contemporary. Mother of two and wife of perfect husband. Love the environment, travel and reading. Subscribe:Archives
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