![]() From my paranormal novella Guarding His Heart, one of the awesome Wiccan Haus series. Last week, I left you hanging. Trevor Greene, bodyguard of 6-year-old Allan Branson, saves the boy and his sexy teacher, Cassidy Sinclair. She manages to ease the boy out the window while Trevor distracts the attacker, armed only with a knife. She turns as the bastard pushes a gun to Trevor's gut and pulls the trigger... In an instant, in place of her hero, a huge furry beast roared and brought the blade down, felling the evil man with one forceful stab to the heart. Both slid to the ground, mortally wounded. She blinked and the bodyguard was there, instead of the beast, crimson spurting from his thigh. What the hell happened? Did she hallucinate? Break with reality? What will Cassidy do? Come back next week to find out. ![]() Romance Weekly's Authors answer questions about serious and non-so-serious aspects of writing. Enjoy! 1. What is your writing process like? Seriously? It depends. Some ideas hit me and I can't do anything until I get the basic plot elements down. Some stories hit me and I can't do anything until I write the first two or three chapters then jot down the plot points. Some stories live in my head, running like a TV series in my nighttime and waking dreams. The actual writing? Depends on where I am and if it's more feasible to write in my ever present notebook. I'm an old soul who loves the way the written word looks on paper. At times, it almost feels like automatic writing the way the story pours out of me. Most of the time I compose on the computer in my study. 2. Do you listen to music to enhance your writing? I use sound and music for inspiration, to really get me into the mood of the scene. There's a great website (www.calm.com) for zen and meditative music that I use to tune out of my surroundings (kids, etc.). I love movie soundtracks to tap into my bank of emotions. The Act of Valor soundtrack tears my heart out every time while anything Jimmy Buffett makes me happy. I love iTunes Radio, especially the Celtic and New Age channels. Of course, a great video provides a visual that stirs the creative juices... 3. What two songs best describe your overall body of work?
"Voices Inside My Head" by the Police which is self-explanatory. "Better Life" by Keith Urban because, well, I adore Keith Urban and it's all about a man pledging to make a better life for the woman he loves. I don't write about the uber-rich playboy because how many women are going to run into one of those? To me that's fantasy. Even though I write about paranormal beings, they are still pretty grounded about who and what they are and the characteristics that unites all of them are honor and love. Find out how other authors are inspired. Hop on over to J.R. Richardson's blog and discover this awesome author's musical choices for writing intriguing paranormal characters and stories. ![]() Okay, so here's the next installment from Guarding His Heart from the awesome Wiccan Haus series. Last week's post has Cassidy dropping her student, Allan, out the window to safety. “I’m okay” she heard (Allan say) as she turned and gasped. The black semiautomatic jammed against the bodyguard’s ribs-- The blast deafened her, freezing her in place. I know, it's a terrible place to leave you, but you'll have to come back next week to find out. Or go to Amazon to buy the whole story if you can't wait. ![]() Romance Weekly's Authors answer questions about serious and non-so-serious aspects of writing. Enjoy! I am answering these questions based on my book, Guarding His Heart (Wiccan Haus series). 1. How did you get the idea for your book? Honestly, I watch way too much Animal Planet and SyFy Channel. So, I started thinking about how there could be so many Sasquatch sitings with no evidence. I came up with a theory: they're shifters. Naturally a tall, silent and stealthy shifter makes a perfect bodyguard, especially if he can "disappear" into his surroundings. 2. How did you decide on the title? Bigfoot are notoriously wary of humans. Trevor has a problem trusting humans, though he doesn't have any problem enjoying women's charms when he gets a yen. Cassidy is a kindred spirit- quiet, reserved, lost. 3. What motivated you to get the book completed and published? I met Dominique Eastwick at Chesapeake Romance Writer's conference a year ago and was intrigued with her shared world series. After reading Shifting Hearts, I was hooked and decided to write and submit my own story. My critique partner beta read and bled all over it and I finished the edits and synopsis at our annual retreat. I would say my CRW and RWA sisters were my motivation! Hop on over to visit JJ Devine's blog and see what motivated her. ![]() From Guarding His Heart (Wiccan Haus series). We are continuing the flashback Cassidy Sinclair is experiencing on her way to finish her recuperation after an attack on her elementary school. “Cassie! Get Allan out of here!” The command snapped her out of her fog and spurred her to action. Wiping her sweaty palms on her pants, she took Allan by the wrists and hoisted him out the window. She stretched as far as she could, then let go. Yes, I can count and I know I exceeded the three sentence structure I made but it really needed the fourth sentence. I hope you enjoyed these three and come back for more. ![]() Romance Weekly's Authors answer questions about serious and non-so-serious aspects of writing. Enjoy! 1. Do you have a favourite character from any of your books? It's very hard to choose one because all the heroes could be my man and all the heroines have a part of me in them. My hero, Trevor Greene, from Guarding His Heart is a favorite because he is unique- a Watcher, better known as a Bigfoot- who shifts between his human side and his more wild side. A gentle giant, he uses his innate ability to blend into his surroundings to protect a little boy who's in danger. He's tall, dangerous and sexy. What's not to love? 2. If you were him/her what would you have done differently in their situation? I would have trusted my heart more, but Trevor's learned he can't trust humans. The boy's teacher attracts him like no other woman but she's human. Luckily for him, she's stubborn. 3. Do you believe in the traditional HEA or do you think sometimes characters don’t need (or maybe deserve) them? I love a Happily Ever After but there are situations where the best you can get is happily for now. And, of course, some characters don't deserve ultimate happiness. I like writing HEAs, though, so you'll find one in most of my books. It's been fun answering these questions. Hop over to Kate Robbins' blog to check out her answers to the same questions. It's bound to be great with an author who writes about Scottish Highlanders. I love a man with an accent. ![]() Three sentences from my paranormal romance novella, the latest in the Wiccan Haus series, Guarding His Heart: Allan’s bodyguard appeared out of nowhere, tackling the assailant to the ground. A silver blade caught the sunlight as her hero slashed the assailant. Horrified but transfixed, she couldn’t tear her gaze from the violent struggle. Cassidy Sinclair discovers Trevor Greene is no ordinary bodyguard. Return each week for more tantalizing tidbits. ![]() Jenna Jaxon follows up sexy medieval romance Betrothal with white hot Betrayal in her Time Enough To Love series. Jenna Jaxon researches well and turns up the heat amidst the archaic marriage rituals of Medieval England. Blurb: After a night of passion with her betrothed, Sir Geoffrey Longford, Lady Alyse de Courcy is eagerly looking forward to her wedding. But when Geoffrey is forced to marry another, a heartbroken and possibly pregnant Alyse finds herself in her own private hell. She must either gamble with her reputation or marry someone she does not love. A reputed connoisseur of women, Thomas, Lord Braeton, has dallied with many ladies of King Edward’s court, although he has favored none. However, as Geoffrey’s best friend, Thomas has sworn to serve and protect Alyse, an oath now sorely tested when he agrees to marry her—in name only—to guard her reputation. Yet, as they grow closer, and Thomas discovers Alyse’s sweet but spirited nature, he comes to desire a marriage in truth. Can he overcome her memory of Geoffrey or is Thomas doomed to burn with passion for a woman he can never possess? Excerpt: With the sigh of a martyr at the stake, Alyse nodded and Anne leaped forth and stripped the linen shift from her. She fought the impulse to shield her breasts and womanhood; apparently brides were expected to be appraised as if a horse at market. The only stare that sent a shiver up her back, however, was Lady Carlyle’s. The woman’s lips twisted into a sneer as her gaze swept Alyse from head to toe. A look of triumph she did not understand lit the lady’s face and Alyse turned her back, quite willing to allow Anne to drop the silk chemise over her head. When she turned back to the company, loud “ahs’ and whispers of “indecent” ran through the women. Alyse looked down at herself. As she feared, the sheer material revealed every swell of her breasts. As the fabric moved across them, her nipples hardened, poking the garment out to sharp points. Maurya stepped behind her and began to brush her hair again. “Pay them no mind, Alyse,” she whispered. “You are more beautiful than any of them. And I warrant Lord Braeton will have no qualms about you whatsoever in that shift.” Before Alyse could reply, the door burst open and the laughing, swearing, drinking chorus of male courtiers who attended Thomas strode in. And stopped. The sudden silence intensified the tension in the small room. Their eyes rested on Alyse, who stared back at them and prayed she would not faint again. As suddenly as the silence descended it broke, and a babble of laughter, praise and ribald jests issued forth from the appreciative gentlemen. To her utter humiliation, Alyse recognized Patrick Sullivan, Roger Delaney, and Robert Spencer among the courtiers. All stared at her still, Patrick leaning over to comment to Sir Roger, who laughed and nodded in agreement. She blinked back tears of rage, but stood quietly lest they make even more sport of her. From the corner of her eye, she caught movement in the doorway, and several men and ladies moved to make way for the final actor in this terrible play. Thomas strode grandly into the chamber, smiling as though he walked in a decorous procession. Attired in a splendid robe of green wool, adorned with velvet down the center edges and fur at collar and cuffs, he swept her a low bow. He laughed as he arose, but the sound died on his lips when at last he registered her figure in the blue chemise. The stunned look in his eyes was swiftly replaced by a hot hunger that made her gasp. Any hope she had of him honoring his promise died with that look. “Lady Braeton.” He held out his hand, and Alyse had no choice but to take it. He raised it to his lips, searing her flesh with their warm touch. “You are a vision I scarce would credit this side of heaven.” She peered into his darkened eyes, seeking mercy. At the almost imperceptible nod of his head, she could breathe again. He released her and stepped back. “The wedding is done.” Thomas nodded to his attendants, who stepped forward. “Let the bedding be done as well.” Stretching forth his arms, he waited as the men stripped the robe from him, revealing his perfectly nude body beneath. |
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Shifters & Spice (e-book 99 cents!) AuthorRomance writer. Paranormal and contemporary. Mother of two and wife of perfect husband. Love the environment, travel and reading. Subscribe:Archives
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