To honor one of our most inspiring and butt-kicking members, Judi McCoy (author of the Dogwalking Series), Chesapeake Romance Writers created a writers' contest. We call it "Finish The Damn Book" because Judi would have none of anyone's whining about writer's block or complaining about lack of success. She believed in hard work and quality writing but no one got published with a blank page. Her motto was "Finish The Damn Book!" We invite you to enter your first and last chapters along with a synopsis, not to exceed 40 pages. We need it electronically, all in one document, as we prefer not to butcher an acre of trees when it can be done through the magic of bits and bytes. Your finished manuscript should be novel length (minimum of 40,000 words). Categories:
Paranormal Contemporary Historical YA/NA Mainstream with Romantic Elements Erotic Romance (new this year) First round judges will provide feedback via scoresheet and final round entries will go to editors and agents. To register, click here. For full details, go to CRW's webpage. Comments are closed.
Amazon Bestseller-
Shifters & Spice (e-book 99 cents!) AuthorRomance writer. Paranormal and contemporary. Mother of two and wife of perfect husband. Love the environment, travel and reading. Subscribe:Archives
May 2017
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