Need a way to keep all your notes/ideas/plot bunnies organized and easily accessible? Evernote to the rescue! Whether you are a die hard PC user or Mac maniac, this web-based program is for you! Create a single note, one notebook or a notebook for every plot you're working on, Evernote can make it happen. Want to group related notebooks into categories? Evernote allows you to do that with stacking. Need to find all notes related to grammar? If you've tagged them "grammar", Evernote will find every reference in every notebook in your account. Some cool features: record short audio notes, attach related files, take a picture from within the program (like business cards), share your notes with a link. Like to handwrite your notes? Penultimate is the sister app/program that syncs with Evernote. Try it out! Comments are closed.
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Shifters & Spice (e-book 99 cents!) AuthorRomance writer. Paranormal and contemporary. Mother of two and wife of perfect husband. Love the environment, travel and reading. Subscribe:Archives
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