Welcome to those visiting from Brenda Margriet's blog. Everyone else, so glad you found mine! Have you ever wondered what goes on inside a writer's mind? Our group of writers provide a glimpse of the inner workings of the creative brain. This week's questions come from Fiona Riplee. 1.Does humor help or hinder you in your creative process? Humor provides a release from tension that can cause a block. I write sarcastic, snarky heroines so humor does figure into their character development. 2.What is a favorite go-to book or movie you use to unblock a problem in your writing? I shy from borrowing from others' work. In fact, I'm hypersensitive to it so when I have a plot problem, I don't go to any book or movie because I don't want to subconsciously appropriate plot devices. To relax my mind, I might watch The Hunt for Red October or The Princess Bride.
3.What’s the most inspiring book you’ve read this week or month that’s generated a new idea? The last book I read was The Lincoln Myth by Steve Berry, which was amazing. He is tremendously talented at creating present day conspiracies interwoven with events of the past. Riveting, I tell you! But no specific idea from that book, but rather a fresh spark for incorporating my passions in my subplots. Don't stop now. Head over to the sizzling Dani Jace's blog for a peek into her writing lair! It's on the beach and I bet she's got a cold one waiting for you!
8/12/2014 07:40:26 am
Like you, I try so hard not to "borrow" others' plot devices. Love The Princess Bride!
Carolyn Spear
8/12/2014 11:12:01 am
As you wish! 8/12/2014 07:59:06 am
Oh, I love Steve Berry too! Thanks for reminding me about his new book. I'll have to add it to my TBR list. And I agree. The Princess Bride is definitely one of my "go to" movies. Love it!
Carolyn Spear
8/12/2014 11:12:53 am
Brad Thor has Act of War out now. That's my next reward. 8/12/2014 08:11:26 am
I agree about the fresh spark. Reading a really good book makes me proud to be a writer, and helps motivate me to reach that level in my own work.
Carolyn Spear
8/12/2014 11:14:33 am
I love reading. It's a whole other world. 8/12/2014 08:40:03 am
Love Red October-- it's one of those wonderful movies I can watch over and over, like Open Range. I love that movie, okay I love Kevin and Annette and Robert Duvall. But Red October is a close second. :) Nice post.
Carolyn Spear
8/12/2014 11:15:43 am
My husband gets irritated because if I happen upon it on TV, no matter where it is in the film, I must watch it. 8/12/2014 09:32:05 am
LOVE PB & Sean. Weirdest moment of my life when I figured out he was older than my own dad. (love him anyway)
Carolyn Spear
8/12/2014 11:16:46 am
Sean Connery's voice overcomes any hangup I might have about age.
Gemma Brocato
8/12/2014 11:55:42 am
I haven't read any Steve Berry but the premise sounds intriguing and I might have to change that. I have read Dave Barry, though. He's a hoot. What's that? No relation? Oh well.
Carolyn Spear
8/17/2014 03:06:12 pm
I don't think they're related. Different genres entirely. LOL. 8/12/2014 03:37:09 pm
The Princess Bride is a perfect example of sarcastic, snarky heroes- I'd love to read your heroines- I love snark!!!
Carolyn Spear
8/17/2014 03:07:04 pm
Snark and sarcasm are the best and often most often form of communication.
Carolyn Spear
8/17/2014 03:08:33 pm
Me, too. And I am a silly girl! 8/13/2014 01:38:09 am
The Princess Bride seems a popular one for getting the creativeness flowing :D Though that's no surprise, it's a great movie!
Carolyn Spear
8/17/2014 03:09:19 pm
Sweet and snarky, gotta love the combo!
8/13/2014 07:44:58 pm
Great post!!
Carolyn Spear
8/17/2014 03:09:47 pm
Carolyn Spear
8/17/2014 03:10:25 pm
IKR. That's the extent of my texting.
J.J. Devine
8/15/2014 03:05:32 am
I must be hypersensitive as well, because I feel the same way about reading or watching a movie when I'm blocked on a scene or story. I'm always worried about letting something seep into my own works. Loved your blog!!!
Carolyn Spear
8/17/2014 03:11:43 pm
Good to know I'm not neurotic. Thanks! 8/15/2014 05:14:44 am
Mr. X and I borrowed the wedding ceremony from The Princess Bride for our period wedding. We were married in a small ceremony, so for the big event we hired a comedian to perform the "mahwage." Great fun!
Carolyn Spear
8/17/2014 03:14:47 pm
So cool. Went to a Christmas Eve mass and the priest spoke just like that. Comments are closed.
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Shifters & Spice (e-book 99 cents!) AuthorRomance writer. Paranormal and contemporary. Mother of two and wife of perfect husband. Love the environment, travel and reading. Subscribe:Archives
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